A new Sonic X Shadow Generations manga is set to begin serialization in next month’s issue of CoroCoro, a Japanese manga magazine published by Shogakukan. CoroCoro primarily targets children and features a mix of serialized manga, manga adaptations of popular franchises, and various toys and game promotions.

The official announcement came via the official Sonic Channel Twitter account, which shared an image of Shadow’s look in the manga and detailed that the series will be handled by Yuuki Imada, who is best known as the author and artist of the MINI 4 KING and Tengoku no Ragnarok manga series.

📢 Breaking News 📢
Starting next month in the October issue of CoroCoro Comic, a manga series themed around “Sonic × Shadow Generations” will begin 👍🏻 ̖́-︎
The series will be handled by Yuuki Imada!
Look forward to an exciting story that will captivate even the CoroCoro kids of the Reiwa era with Sonic’s adventures 😁👍✨


UPDATE: Yuuki Imada has also posted the following artwork on his official Twitter account:

“Starting next month, I’ll be drawing a Shadow manga for CoroCoro.
It’s a title with a long history, but I’ll do my best to make it enjoyable for kids seeing it for the first time 💪
Look forward to it 💎💨💨💨💨”


Twitter user @sonadowlesbians, also known as Windii, also posted some scans from this month’s issue, teasing the upcoming series.

This isn’t the first time the franchise has received a manga adaptation from ShogakukanSonic Superstars even had a small gag manga distributed during Tokyo Game Show last year.

The October issue of CoroCoro is set to release in mid-September! What are you expecting from this manga adaptation featuring Shadow? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned to Sonic City for more Sonic X Shadow Generations News and Updates!

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