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In a recent interview with Sonic Team’s Division Manager, Osamu Ohashi and Vice Director, Sachiko Kawamura posted by SEGA of Japan on their website, the two discuss what it’s like working for the team on Sonic the Hedgehog as a global brand that’s been historically more successful in the West than in Japan.

While the interview does shed some light on the company’s culture and working environment, one of the most interesting questions asked by the interviewer was about the team’s plans for Sonic in the future:

Q: In the future, how do you plan to develop Sonic?
Ohashi: To put it simply, we want to surpass Mario. Sonic was originally developed as a game to rival Mario, and we still haven’t achieved that. It’s because we have respect for Mario that we aim to catch up and overtake him.
We want Sonic to be played all around the world, including Japan, just like Mario. We want the Sonic movie to be a bigger hit than Mario’s. We even hope to create a “Sonic area” at Universal Studios Japan (USJ). That’s our goal as people who love Sonic.

That’s certainly a good goal to have in mind! You can read the rest of the interview (in Japanese) on SEGA’s Japanese website.

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