Nintendo Dream magazine, a Nintendo game magazine published in Japan, will be releasing interviews with Jun Senoue and Tomoya Ohtani along with the first-ever official release of a few songs from the Sonic Superstars Soundtrack.

The songs included on this issue’s CD are:

  • Sonic Superstars Opening Theme (Track 13)
  • Bridge Island Zone Act 1 (Track 14)
  • Speed Jungle Zone Act 1 (Track 15)
  • Pinball Carnival Zone Act 1 (Track 16)

Check out the video below for a quick preview of the songs:

This release marks the first time that the Sonic Superstars soundtrack has been officially released.

In the interviews, senior sound producers Jun Senoue and Tomoya Ohtani discuss the various reactions felt during the Sonic Symphony World Tour and the impact of Sonic’s music worldwide. Additionally, Jun Senoue will explain the secret story behind the guitar changes revealed exclusively at the Tokyo performance, accompanied by guitar photos.

The issue will release on April 19th, 2024. If you happen to live in Japan and are a Sonic fan, be sure to pick it up, as you might be one of the lucky few to own a snippet of the Sonic Superstars soundtrack in an official album!

If you haven’t yet listened to the Sonic Superstars soundtrack, why not do so by checking out our Sonic Music Archive?

Stay tuned to Sonic City for more Sonic Superstars News and Updates!

Source: Nintendo Dream

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