Great Eastern Entertainment (GEE), a renowned supplier of anime convention merchandise, is expanding its unique plush lineup with a new addition from Sonic Frontiers. The adorable 8-inch plush of Sage, is now available for pre-order in the United States and Canada for $22.99.

Sage, showcases chibi-style proportions and a gaze filled with contempt that perfectly captures her personality. This plush is a must-have for fans who want to relive the charm and allure of this enigmatic character. As GEE plush reprints can be unpredictable, it’s advisable to secure your pre-order soon.

Pre-orders for the Sage plush can be placed now, with shipments expected to be dispatched between September and October. GEE is also hosting a giveaway of the plush on their official Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Stay tuned to Sonic City for more News and Updates on merchandise releases!

Source: Great Eastern Entertainment

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