WildBrain, the animation company behind Sonic’s latest animated adventure exclusive to Netflix, Sonic Prime, has announced an expansion of licensing deals through a press release. These partnerships aim to enhance the existing lineup of merchandise based on the show, reaching fans worldwide.

Among the new licensees for Sonic Prime merchandise is Aymax, who will provide homeware products such as bedding, towels, cushions, and blankets in Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain.

Bioworld International will launch a range of Sonic Prime-themed apparel and accessories in the UK and Eire. Their collection will include hoodies, loungewear, sleep sets, keyrings, badges, socks, hairbands, and jackets.

Fen has signed on to bring Sonic and friends to the outdoors, offering products like outdoor playsets, bicycles, swings, and activity tables in Turkey.

Diramix will provide sticker albums, sticker packs, 3D stretchable items, and 3D toppers in Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, and Canton Ticino. Artesania Cerdà will offer backpacks, activity books, stationery, pencil cases, and more in Andorra, Portugal, Spain, and the UK. La Plume Dorée will provide stationery and accessories, including agendas, pencil jars, luggage, and more in France.

Ravensburger will contribute to the merchandise lineup with creative sets of Sonic Prime toys and games, including 2D/3D puzzles and arts and crafts sets in EMEA. Play by Play will offer plush figures in Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Italy, and Greece.

The press release also includes statements from Maarten Weck, Executive Vice President and Managing Director at WildBrain CPLG, and Ivo Gerscovich, Chief Business and Brand Officer at SEGA of America, emphasizing the importance of these partnerships for expanding the Sonic Prime merchandise range.

Sonic Prime is an incredible example of what can happen when strong partners come together to supercharge a beloved, known IP with amazing new content. Sonic the Hedgehog has a massive and very passionate fanbase around the world, devoted to the ‘blue blur’. It has been fantastic to watch the licensing programme for Sonic Prime really take off in markets across the globe. Together with SEGA, with whom we already have a long-standing partnership on the classic Sonic the Hedgehog brand, we are committed to delivering many more new and creative ways for fans to engage with Sonic on and off screen. With more episodes of Sonic Prime coming this July to Netflix, we know this adventure has only just begun.

Maarten Weck
EVP & MD at WildBrain CPLG

Sonic has always personified traits like collaboration and hard work, which is why the Sonic Team continues to bring the brand into new avenues like our longstanding partnership with WildBrain. With the success of Sonic Prime, the Sonic community continues to amaze us with their love and dedication, and we want to give back by creating exceptional merchandise to celebrate both Sonic and our fans.

Ivo Gerscovich
Chief Business and Brand Officer at SEGA of America

Are you looking forward to more Sonic Prime merch? Is there a specific kind of merchandise that you would like to pick up? Let us know down bellow, and don’t forget to subscribe to Sonic City for more Merchandise and Sonic Prime News and Updates!

Source: WildBrain Press Release

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