Sonic Prime, the hit CG-animated series, is racing onto Nickelodeon through an exciting new partnership between WildBrain and Paramount! Starting December 7, audiences in the U.S. and Australia can dive into its action-packed adventures, with Italy following on December 23. Fans in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the UK, and Ireland will get their chance in 2025.
The deal includes 22 half-hour episodes and a special hour-long feature, bringing Sonic Prime to Nickelodeon’s vast audience. Katie Wilson, VP of Global Sales and Acquisitions at WildBrain, shared her excitement:
“Sonic Prime is a huge hit with fans… Paramount is the ideal partner to extend Sonic Prime’s popularity with new audiences around the world on Nickelodeon.”
Layla Lewis of Nickelodeon echoed these sentiments, noting Sonic’s universal appeal:
“The Sonic the Hedgehog universe has captivated the hearts of millions. We’re thrilled to partner with WildBrain to bring the series to life on Nickelodeon.”
Sonic Prime takes fans on a thrilling journey through the Shatterverse. After a clash with Dr. Eggman disrupts reality, Sonic must traverse strange worlds, forge new alliances, and face epic challenges to piece his universe back together.
Co-produced by SEGA and WildBrain, the series was animated at WildBrain’s Vancouver studio. This collaboration underscores the strong partnership between the two companies, with SEGA handling licensing in North America, Latin America, and Japan, while WildBrain CPLG manages other regions.
Ivo Gerscovich, SEGA’s Chief Brand Officer, emphasized the importance of accessibility for fans:
“Making our content as accessible as possible to our dedicated fanbase is something we always strive for. Bringing Sonic Prime to more viewers worldwide is the perfect way to make that happen.”
As Sonic Prime gears up for its Nickelodeon debut, fans can expect more thrilling adventures featuring the Blue Blur. This move solidifies Sonic’s role as a global entertainment icon.
Stay tuned to Sonic City for more Sonic Prime News and Updates!
Source: WildBrain Press Release