Sonic Channel has release their first Sonic Pict of the year! Illustrating the daily lives of characters from Sonic Frontiers! Sage is working diligently on her own family of snowmen somewhere on the mountain tip of Starfall Islands.

Work hard, play hard. Don’t forget to step outside and take a break to refresh yourself like Sage does!

Check out the full illustration and translated caption below!

“The angle of the nose is like this…” 🥕
On the summit of Starfall Islands, bathed in the white snow under clear skies
Inspired by the Koco’s playing, Sage is engrossed in making the family snowman ☃️

Struggling with unfamiliar handwork, shaping the image little by little

In between thoughts, refresh yourself in the open air in moderation! Let’s heal the mind and soul ✨


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Source: Sonic Channel on Twitter

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