The much-anticipated Knuckles TV series, despite comprising only six episodes, promises an epic journey that extends far beyond conventional television lengths. Recent findings on the Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR) website, a reputable platform supported by industry leaders including Paramount, disclose that each installment of the forthcoming Paramount+ production will span approximately one hour.

This revelation, brought to us by keen-eyed Tumblr user ‘zedson’ and substantiated by the EIDR database, confirms the extended runtime format for Knuckles episodes, denoted as 1H (one hour) 0M (zero minutes).

The eagerness surrounding every facet of this show is palpable. Fortunately, viewers won’t have to endure an extended wait to immerse themselves in the unfolding action, as Knuckles is slated for an exclusive premiere on Paramount+ come April 26.

Via: Tumblr

Source: Entertainment Identifier Registry, Sonic and all Characters on Twitter

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