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The Sonic the Hedgehog Wiki

This big ball of scrap just won't stay destroyed.

Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Forces File:QuotDeathEgg.ogg

The Death Egg (デスエッグ Desu Eggu?) is an object that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a massive orbital fortress and space station, constructed by Dr. Eggman, and the first and most famous of his space stations. Described as "the doctor's great fortress",[1] the Death Egg is a vast, powerful stronghold that hosts some of the villain's deadliest creations of all time. The Death Egg has as well served as Eggman's ultimate weapon, and key component in his various quests for world dominance.

The Death Egg's first appearance occurred during the "Death Egg saga" when Dr. Eggman sought the Chaos Emeralds and even the Master Emerald to power his infamous space station.[2] Despite his ambitions, the station was repeatedly thwarted by the combined efforts of Sonic and Tails. Remarkably, the Death Egg displayed incredible resilience, surviving both a catastrophic fall from space and a failed launch before ultimately returning to orbit. The original battle station met its demise at the conclusion of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but this was far from the end of the Death Egg’s legacy.

Over time, several new versions and successors to the Death Egg have been constructed, as Eggman’s penchant for "giant spheres" persists.[3]

Description[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

The original Death Egg's exterior, as seen in Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

The original Death Egg is a spherical gray space station that resembles the face of Dr. Eggman, with concave eye-sockets, a sharp nose, and a mustache rendered in kilometers of vacuum-hardened plasma-steel. The northern hemisphere of the station also has markings resembling Eggman's mouth, although it has varied between depicted as a smile or a frown. Along the equatorial trench, is a row of cyan-colored, hangar entrances, and on the southern hemisphere is a series of yellow-orange holes that can be assumed to be boosters or exhaust ports with more hanger entrances between each booster.

The exact dimensions of the Death Egg remain unknown, though it is undeniably massive. Its immense mass and size are sufficient to destroy mountains, flatten forests, and even force Angel Island to crash into the sea.[4] The station's face alone is large enough to obscure the vent of the volcano in Lava Reef. Additionally, it is equipped with several booster engines, as demonstrated during the first section of Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

The Death Egg featured in *Sonic Battle* had a slightly different design from the original model. Its exterior was more reminiscent of a flying saucer, similar to the Space Colony ARK, and was adorned with red lights around its surface.

One thing that the Death Eggs all have in common is that their dimensions are easily gargantuan; the original model can easily cover up almost half of Scrapnik Island.[5]

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The original Death Egg on Scrapnik Island, from Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island #1.

Features and abilities[edit | edit source]

The Death Egg is the largest airship ever created by Dr. Eggman, and comes with weaponry and features to match. It is said to be the scientist's "ultimate weapon",[2][6] suggesting it packs significant military power and destructive capabilities. It is designed to run off the energy of either the Chaos Emeralds or the Master Emerald.[2] However, it has been proven that it can run off other power sources as well.

In terms of armament, the Death Egg has numerous weapons systems installed, both for outward and inward defenses. Described as heavily fortified,[7] its hull is covered in laser turrets[8] and its insides are filled with weaponry and traps, such as electrical currents,[9] rocket launchers[9] and laser cannons.[10] Its eyes can also fire lasers hot enough to activate dormant volcanoes.[11] Its most powerful weapon, however, is the Final Egg Blaster, a weapon of mass destruction capable of destroying entire clusters of stars.

Besides weaponry, the Death Egg has an advanced indoor security system ready to bring everyone onboard on high alert as soon as it detects an intruder.[12] In addition, it has an emergency auxiliary power supply for its defense systems.[13] It also carries a substantial force of Eggman's various Badnik infantry onboard.

The original Death Egg model, currently found on Scrapnik Island, looks the same as the standard model. However, years of negligence have severaly decayed and damaged it, with moisture and moss all over it. It also has a good chunk of it ripped apart, with the left eye being completely missing, and with its core, which is off-centered, being visible from above. Similarly, almost half of the craft is entirely buried. Inside this Death Egg, a multitude of Badniks known as the "Scrapniks" can be found. Despite the deterioration though, the ship still stores many of Eggman's original creations, such as multiple Prison Eggs and the original Egg Carrier, also heavily damaged.[5]

The old Death Egg has a climate function, which allows it to change the climate at will. However, it does not work properly, presumably due to the ship being in ruins, despite E-117 Sigma's efforts to repair it.[5]

History[edit | edit source]

Death Egg saga[edit | edit source]

Sonic the Hedgehog 2[edit | edit source]

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, where it first appeared, Dr. Eggman found West Side Island where the Chaos Emeralds rested.[6] Plotting to use the seven magical gems to power his Death Egg and then conquer the world, he first went about turning the island's Animals into Badniks in an effort to create more workers to finish his new plans for the project.[2][6] However, the doctor's plans were foiled when Sonic and his new sidekick Miles "Tails" Prower got the Emeralds first.

File:I do remember too that, how hard this final boss was.png
Sonic fighting the Death Egg Robot onboard the Death Egg, from Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Eventually, Sonic and Tails went for an assault on the Death Egg itself.[2] Hitching a ride into space on the space rocket when Dr. Eggman made his escape from the Wing Fortress, the hedgehog made his way inside the space station where he fought Mecha Sonic and then the mad scientist himself in the Death Egg Robot. After a heated battle, the hero defeated his nemesis one-on-one, and the Death Egg suddenly began to explode.[2] Sonic escaped by hurling himself out of an airlock into space. He was soon after saved from his fall by Tails,[2] who came to his rescue in the Tornado after seeing the Death Egg exploding in the sky.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles[edit | edit source]

Sonic the Hedgehog 3[edit | edit source]
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The Death Egg re-entering the earth's atmosphere, from Sonic Origins.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 3, following the events of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, the Death Egg was revealed to have survived its apparent destruction. Eventually, it fell from orbit[4] and crash-landed in a lake on the floating Angel Island like a giant fireball.[14] The impact devastated the island's mountains and forests and caused Angel Island itself to plummet into the sea.[2][4]

Having escaped the wreckage, Dr. Eggman set out to rebuild the Death Egg while planning to harness the island’s powerful energy source for his operations.[4] During this time, he encountered Knuckles the Echidna, the island’s guardian. Upon seeing the Death Egg, Knuckles mistakenly believed it to be the egg of a legendary dragon depicted on the Master Emerald’s altar—one that was rumored to bring about the end of the world.[14]

Scheming to use Knuckles as his bodyguard for when Sonic and Tails inevitably came to destroy the Death Egg, Dr. Eggman claimed he had come to study the stronghold and warned him that the heroes were on their way to steal the Master Emerald.[2][14] Believing the villain's lie, the echidna kept the duo occupied when they arrived. Meanwhile, Eggman would repair the Death Egg by constructing a Launch Base around the crash site and prepping it for launch.

By the time Sonic and Tails had caught up to Dr. Eggman, the scientist attempted to re-launch the Death Egg. Using massive rockets, it was able to achieve lift-off. However, the heroes managed to jump onto the bottom of the spacecraft's hull when it took off. There, Eggman returned to defeat Sonic through excessive force, which proved to be his own undoing. By the time Eggman was defeated, the battle had taken its toll on the Death Egg during a critical point of its launch, and the Death Egg plummeted back to Angel Island again.[2]

Sonic & Knuckles[edit | edit source]

In Sonic & Knuckles, after its failed launch from the Launch Base on Angel Island, the Death Egg crashed back onto a volcano on the island, over Lava Reef.[15] Having not given up yet, Dr. Eggman began rebuilding the Death Egg once again. Meanwhile, Sonic, who had escaped the crash, set out with Tails to destroy the infamous space station once and for all.[9] When they later made their way through Lava Reef, the nearly repaired Death Egg used its massive eye lasers to reawaken the volcano, all in an effort to slow down the heroes.[11]

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The Death Egg releasing Eggrobos at the Sky Sanctuary, from Sonic & Knuckles.

In a last ditch-effort to fix the Death Egg, Dr. Eggman stole the Master Emerald from Knuckles, making the echidna realize at last that the doctor was the actual villain and that Sonic and Tails were trying to help all along. With the Master Emerald's power, the space station was able to take off. While Sonic and Tails followed the Death Egg through the Sky Sanctuary as it rose into space, the spacecraft released numerous Eggrobos to attack them. Eventually though, the heroes managed to leap onto the rising Death Egg from a tall pillar that crumbled beneath them.[16]

Inside the Death Egg, Sonic and Tails navigated a horrendous Zone full of rocket launchers, electrical hazards, and Badniks. Along the way, they also had to destroy two of Dr. Eggman's elite creations. The first was the Red Eye, followed by the Death Ball, the latter controlled by the scientist himself from a safe distance.[9] At the end, Sonic and Tails faced off against their nemesis in his Giant Eggman Robo, a massive mech powered by the Master Emerald. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, the duo defeated the machine, thereby causing a chain reaction that made the space station ultimately fall apart to smithereens. As Dr. Eggman escaped into space with the massive jewel in a Final Weapon in a last-ditch retreat, Sonic transformed into Super Sonic/Hyper Sonic and chased after him into The Doomsday Zone while the Death Egg was completely destroyed at last.

Sonic Drift 2[edit | edit source]

In Sonic Drift 2, the Death Egg was the final race course of the Grand Prix, where the heroes had a race against Dr. Eggman and the villains against Sonic.

Sonic Mania[edit | edit source]

In Sonic Mania, and its expansion Sonic Mania Plus, the Death Egg makes a cameo as the icon of Egg Reverie Zone in the Level Select. The icon itself is the same one as the one for Death Egg Zone in Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Sonic Battle[edit | edit source]

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The Death Egg in the sky, from Sonic Battle.

In Sonic Battle, after his plans to retake Emerl had been foiled by Sonic and his friends, Dr. Eggman rebuilt the Death Egg and equipped his old space station with the Final Egg Blaster. With this powerful weapon, the doctor proclaimed that he was ready to take over the world using the power of his creation. His true plan, however, was to lure Emerl to the Death Egg; knowing that the robot's programing would make him swear loyalty to those that demonstrated great power, the scientist planned to show his Final Egg Blaster to him and take control of him.

The Death Egg's main control room, from Sonic Battle.

When Emerl came to the Death Egg to stop Dr. Eggman, the two engaged in a battle that ended with the latter begging for mercy upon his defeat. When the heroic robot prepared to leave, however, the villain used the Final Egg Blaster to destroy some stars. While Emerl did react to the demonstration as Eggman had intended, the huge display of power caused him to go haywire. Knocking out Eggman, Emerl took control of the Death Egg and prepared to fire the Final Egg Blaster at earth. Sonic soon arrived onboard the space station to stop the robot with the Master Emerald, but when Emerl smashed the giant gem, the hedgehog was left with no choice but to destroy him, who vanished upon his defeat.

What happened the Death Egg afterward is unknown, although it was most likely destroyed once again.

Sonic Generations[edit | edit source]

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The Death Egg in Sky Sanctuary, from the console/PC version of Sonic Generations.

In the console and PC versions of Sonic Generations, an incarnation of Sky Sanctuary from across spacetime was trapped in White Space due to the Time Eater's time distortions. This version of Sky Sanctuary was specifically taken from the timeframe of Sonic & Knuckles, meaning it contained the Death Egg during its second re-launch. As a result, when Modern and Classic Sonic ventured through Sky Sanctuary, the massive space station deployed its horde of Eggrobos to stop them—though ultimately with little success.

After the Time Eater was neutralized, this version of the Death Egg was seemingly returned to its rightful place.

Sonic Forces[edit | edit source]

The Death Egg, from Sonic Forces.

In Sonic Forces, the Death Egg was rebuilt by Dr. Eggman once more. For his subsequent agendas, however, the Death Egg did not act out its original purpose as a superweapon, but was instead a huge prison facility, mostly for civilians and members of the Resistance who stood against him and refused to surrender to the Eggman Empire. It also acted as the primary power source for the Eggman Empire's newest weapon: the Phantom Ruby.[17]

Following Sonic's defeat at the hands of Eggman's new henchman, Infinite, Sonic got imprisoned on-board the Death Egg. There, he was kept for the next six months while the Eggman Empire conquered most of the world. Over the months, civilians and other captured members of the Resistance got put in the Death Egg as well. While most of the Death Egg's prisoners were seemingly executed,[18] Sonic was kept alive so Eggman could have him see his empire upon its completion, before banishing him into space to ensure his friends would surrender to Eggman.

Upon hearing that Eggman had moved Sonic's banishment ahead of schedule after learning they were planning a rescue attempt, the Resistance wasted no time and invaded the Death Egg. Once on-board, the Avatar ended up on the best route to the internment facility where Sonic was, whereas the other Resistance members got caught up in fighting the enemies stationed on-board the Death Egg. When a Zavok Phantom Copy then arrived to banish Sonic, the ruckus caused by the Avatar allowed Sonic to escape his confines and defeat the Zavok Phantom Copy and the Death Queen. Searching then the Death Egg for way back home, Sonic ended up in the shuttle bay where he saved the Avatar from some Egg Pawns that had cornered them. After that, the two of them returned to earth in a shuttle.

When the Resistance sought to stop Eggman's Phantom Ruby, the group planned to destroy the Death Egg after Tails learned of how it powered the aforementioned Ruby. By distracting Eggman's forces, Sonic was able to hack into the Death Egg using the Chemical Plant computer and shut its weapon systems down, thereby giving Classic Sonic the opportunity to sneak onboard the Death Egg. Although the Death Egg got its weapon systems back online by switching to auxiliary power, Classic Sonic still managed to cause enough of a ruckus to make the Death Egg explode. However, it was later revealed that Eggman had secretly constructed a backup generator underneath Metropolis, having anticipated that the Resistance forces would try to target the Death Egg.

Sonic Frontiers[edit | edit source]

Main article: Cyber Space
File:Death Egg (Sonic Froniters; 1-2).png
The Death Egg in 1-2, from Sonic Frontiers.

A digital recreation of Death Egg based on Sonic's memories makes an appearance in Sonic Frontiers as part of the background for Sky Sanctuary-inspired Cyber Space stages.

The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog[edit | edit source]

In The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, Dr. Eggman made a disgraceful scheme to transform the Mirage Express into a passenger train to host Amy Rose's birthday. His plan was to trap Amy and her friends in the train and take them to his base, where he would dispose of them for good to build a new Death Egg and Eggmanland unopposed.[3] However, his plot was ultimately thwarted when the heroes joined forces to stop the Mirage Express.

Other game appearances[edit | edit source]

Sega Superstars series[edit | edit source]

Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing[edit | edit source]

Main article: Egg Hangar

In Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, there is a track called "Egg Hangar" that is a DLC course based on the Death Egg. The character Ristar also makes a cameo appearance here.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed[edit | edit source]

Main article: Egg Hangar
File:Death Egg SRT.png
The Death Egg, from Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

The Death Egg can be seen in the background of Sanctuary Falls in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, which takes place in the Sky Sanctuary Zone. It look similar to how it appeared in Sonic Generations. The game also includes the Egg Hangar DLC track.

Sonic Runners[edit | edit source]

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The Death Egg, from Sonic Runners.

The Death Egg appears as a companion in Sonic Runners. It was available during Sonic's 24th Birthday celebration. It was classified as a power-type, and its bonuses as a companion include having a 75% increase of birthday cakes in the stage, as well as a 25% chance of continuing after being defeated.

Sonic Runners Adventure[edit | edit source]

In Sonic Runners Adventure, the Death Egg was rebuilt again. This model would loom over the Sky Sanctuary for the duration of Dr. Eggman's operations in said area. What happened to Death Egg after that is unknown, although it was most likely destroyed once more.

Sonic the Hedgehog Level Pack (LEGO Dimensions)[edit | edit source]

The Sonic the Hedgehog Level Pack in LEGO Dimensions features a Death Egg area within the level and adventure world.

Points of interest[edit | edit source]

Sonic the Hedgehog 2:

Sonic 3 & Knuckles:

Sonic Drift 2:

Sonic Battle:

Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing/Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed:

War to Take Back the Planet:

Variants[edit | edit source]

Although they are not named "Death Egg," several of Dr. Eggman's other orbital facilities are clearly designed along the same lines as the original station:

Dead Line[edit | edit source]

Main article: Dead Line
The Dead Line, from Sonic Rush.

The Dead Line was another Death Egg-based space station. This one however, lacked the Death Egg's spherical shape and had more features that made it more closely resemble Dr. Eggman's head. It also had a football-shaped piece with spikes in place of a mustache.

Death Egg II[edit | edit source]

Main article: Death Egg II
The Death Egg II, from Sonic the Fighters.

The Death Egg II was the direct successor to the original Death Egg that was destroyed in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. This variant was far more elaborate, featuring the classic Death Egg's space station along with several smaller planet-like stations connected to it. However, the central sphere appeared to have an Eggrobo face rather than Eggman's actual face. It also housed a massive horde of Eggrobos, making it fully capable of world domination.

When the Death Egg II was unveiled, Sonic and his friends held a tournament to see who got to destroy it. The winner of that tournament eventually flew up to the Death Egg II and managed to destroy it after triumphing over Metal Sonic and Eggman.

Death Egg mk.II[edit | edit source]

Main article: Death Egg mk.II
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The Death Egg Mk. II, from Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II.

The Death Egg mk.II was another successor to the original Death Egg that was destroyed in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Designed to use Little Planet as a power source, the Death Egg mk.II was essentially a Death Egg constructed around Little Planet. In terms of design, it was nearly identical to the original Death Egg but featured giant windows around its entire lower hemisphere, through which Little Planet could be seen.

The Death Egg mk.II was constructed following Metal Sonic's return to earth. Due to the heroic efforts of Sonic and Tails however, the Death Egg mk.II. was shut down after a climatic battle with Dr. Eggman, leaving it to be dragged into space by Little Planet's natural orbit. The Death Egg mk.II's ultimate fate remains unknown.

E.G.G. Station[edit | edit source]

Main article: E.G.G. Station Zone
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The E.G.G. Station, from Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I.

The E.G.G. Station was a space station vastly different from the Death Egg in many ways. It mainly resembled an unfinished flying saucer on the outside, but looked closely like the original Death Egg on the inside.

During Eggman's uprising against Sonic, the doctor would escape to the E.G.G. Station, only for Sonic to follow him there and destroy the space station during his subsequent fight with Eggman.

Cosmic Angel[edit | edit source]

Main article: Cosmic Angel Zone
This section requires an expansion.

Egg Utopia[edit | edit source]

Main article: Egg Utopia
The Egg Utopia, from Sonic Advance 2.

The Egg Utopia was a large Death Egg-like satellite. It was spherical and had both eyes and a nose like the Death Egg. However, its eyes were red and had spikes instead of a mustache. This space station fell out of orbit and crashed into the planet after Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends triumphed over the station's Super Eggrobo Z.

Silver Castle[edit | edit source]

Main article: Silver Castle Zone
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Sonic watching the Silver Castle fall into the ocean, from Sonic Blast.

The Silver Castle was an extravagant silver-colored fortress created in the likeness of the Death Egg. This fortress was destroyed by the combined efforts of Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles the Echidna.

Egg Fortress[edit | edit source]

Main article: Egg Fortress Zone
This section requires an expansion.

In other media[edit | edit source]

Books and comics[edit | edit source]

Archie Comics[edit | edit source]

The Death Egg, from Sonic Quest #1.

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics, the Death Egg has a three-issue story, fittingly titled the "Death Egg Saga". Later, long after Robotnik was destroyed, Dr. Eggman went into hiding for the several issues of the comic book series, but it was revealed that he was working on the latest Death Egg in issue 224. This Death Egg continued to serve as his mobile base up until the Sonic & Mega Man: Worlds Collide crossover event, while the Post-Super Genesis Wave World that resulted featured a Death Egg identical to this one.

Sonic the Comic[edit | edit source]

The Death Egg, from Sonic the Comic #45. Art by Richard Elson.

In the Sonic the Comic series published by Fleetway Editions, the Death Egg remained mostly true to the game portrayal, apart from specifying the Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 space-stations as separate entities. Also, the Death Egg's impact did not cause the Floating Island to splashdown into the sea.

The first Death Egg was created by Dr. Robotnik after his first major defeat, but it was abandoned when Sonic the Hedgehog stopped him again. It later fell into the ocean (thanks to Sonic) when its orbit began to decay. Robotnik later created the "Death Egg II" which crashed on the Floating Island and had to undergo repairs. Although Robotnik managed to relaunch the Death Egg II, it was brought down for good by Sonic and Knuckles.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

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An Eggman-esque space station in a Japanese Sonic the Hedgehog commercial.
  • The Death Egg is clearly inspired by the Death Star, the Galactic Empire's colossal moon-sized planet-destroying battle station from the original Star Wars movie trilogy (specifically A New Hope and Return of the Jedi) and overall franchise. Unlike the Death Egg, the two larger and better-equipped Death Stars had more colossal amounts of weaponry, as well as huge swarms of TIE Fighters, star destroyers, stormtroopers and other military personnel patrolling it, a deflector shield, garbage mashers, a cell bay or two, and finally, a single superlaser capable of completely obliterating an entire planet. The Death Egg's "eyes" and rough round surface are a spoof of the Death Star's physical appearance.
    • The Death Egg Mark II, likewise, is a reference to the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi, down to it being constructed in close proximity to a forested planet (in this case, Little Planet), was much larger than its predecessor and possessing a generator around one part of the ship that was implied to be not completed yet.
    • Owing to its basis, the scene depicting the Death Egg's destruction in Sonic Forces was modeled after the Death Star's destruction in A New Hope, particularly the Special Edition.
  • One of the two Japanese commercials with traditional animation for the first Sonic the Hedgehog game, featured Sonic flying a space shuttle and directly firing to the Eggman-looking space station which a couple of seconds later explodes. It is possible that this space station could be later used as a basis of the Death Egg for Sonic the Hedgehog 2. The same commercial can be viewed in Sonic Jam.
  • In the standalone version of Sonic the Hedgehog 3, the Death Egg is seen exploding during the game's ending sequence. However, in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, it is simply seen falling before it transitions to Mushroom Hill Zone.
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3D artwork of Death Egg for Harmony magazine.
  • 3D artwork of the Death Egg appears on the front cover of the May–June 1994 issue of Harmony.
  • When Knuckles attacked Sonic in Lava Reef Zone, the next act shows Sonic on a platform with the Death Egg clearly shown in the background where its eyes light up and the whole area inside the volcano becomes covered in a white flash. When everything becomes visible again the whole volcano is shown to be mildly active again, with pieces of the Zone becoming fragile and floating among the magma and effectively making the Boss fight with Eggman more difficult.
File:S2 level select DEZ.gif
  • The Death Egg is seen in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 from the outside only once, as it is illustrated at the emblem which was featured at the level select.
  • When Dr. Eggman uses his All-Star Move in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, he gets surrounded by a red force field that resembles the Death Egg.
  • The Death Egg appears in Lego Dimensions as part of both the "Sonic Dimensions" level and the Sonic the Hedgehog Adventure World. In Sonic Dimensions, the Death Egg Robot and a giant Chaos 0 are fought there. In the Adventure World, an opening in its "mouth" can be flown into, which will transport the player to a side-scrolling area modeled after its Sonic & Knuckles incarnation, along with the gravity switches from Crazy Gadget.
  • In the 2013 remaster of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, collecting all seven Chaos Emeralds will show the Death Egg on a collision course with Angel Island (clearly intended to foreshadow Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles).
  • The Death Egg does not appear in Sonic Mania, however the icon used to represent the Death Egg Zone from the stage select menu in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is used to represent the Egg Reverie Zone in the secret stage select menu for Sonic Mania. Additionally, the DD Wrecker's satellites resemble a miniature version of the Death Egg.
  • Unlike most strongholds of Dr. Eggman where they get completely destroyed in the end of one game, the original Death Egg, thanks to its robust design, have survived more than one encounter with Sonic. It survived Sonic the Hedgehog 2 by crashing into Angel Island, a second time in the end of Sonic the Hedgehog 3, before ultimately getting destroyed in the end of Sonic & Knuckles, meaning the space fortress lasted as many as three games (technically two, as Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles are separate halves of Sonic 3 & Knuckles).
  • Despite Knuckles' story in Sonic 3 & Knuckles strongly implied in-game to take place after Sonic/Tails', the Death Egg can still be seen in the background of Lava Reef Zone Act 1. However, it no longer becomes visible in Act 2 and the Hidden Palace Zones.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Sonic & Knuckles (Sega Mega Drive) Japanese instruction booklet, pg. 36.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 Sonic The Hedgehog 4. Sega. Archived from the original on 12 May 2013. Retrieved on 27 October 2017.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Sega (31 March 2023). The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. Steam. Sega. Area/level: Dining Car. "Eggman: The infrastructure in your towns just wasn't cutting it. If I were to build Eggmanland, these problems would need sorting out! So, I courageously got involved! I converted some cargo trains into passenger trains for the sake of the public... It's just more useful for future schemes. / Sonic: Let me guess... another death egg,[sic] Doctor Predictable? / Eggman: The people fear giant spheres! It's science!"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Sega Mega Drive) Japanese instruction booklet, pgs. 4-6.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island #1, story one
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Mega Drive) Japanese instruction booklet, pgs. 4-8.
  7. Sonic Team (7 November 2017). Sonic Forces. Nintendo Switch. Sega. Area/Level: World Map. "Knuckles: Simply? Last time I checked the Death Egg is a heavily fortified... well, Death Egg."
  8. Sonic Team (7 November 2017). Sonic Forces. Nintendo Switch. Sega. Area/Level: Egg Gate.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Sega Technical Institute (18 October 1994). Sonic & Knuckles. Sega Mega Drive. Sega. Area/Level: Death Egg Zone.
  10. Sonic Team (7 November 2017). Sonic Forces. Nintendo Switch. Sega. Area/Level: Death Egg.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Sonic Team (18 October 1994). Sonic & Knuckles. Sega Mega Drive. Sega. Area/Level: Lava Reef Zone.
  12. Sonic Team (7 November 2017). Sonic Forces. Nintendo Switch. Sega. Area/Level: Prison Hall.
  13. Sonic Team (7 November 2017). Sonic Forces. Nintendo Switch. Sega. Area/Level: Death Egg. "Knuckles: Hey, the defense system's still up! I thought we shut it down. / Tails: They probably switched over to auxiliary power."
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Sega Mega Drive) Japanese instruction booklet, pgs. 34-36.
  15. Sonic & Knuckles (Sega Mega Drive) Japanese instruction booklet, pgs. 12-13.
  16. Sonic Team (18 October 1994). Sonic & Knuckles. Sega Mega Drive. Sega. Area/Level: Sky Sanctuary Zone.
  17. Sonic Team (7 November 2017). Sonic Forces. Nintendo Switch. Sega. Area/Level: World Map. "Tails: I got it, Sonic! I figured out a way to stop Eggman's Phantom Ruby! / Sonic: Great work, Tails! / Tails: Based on these readings, the Phantom Ruby requires an incredible amount of energy, which only the Death Egg can provide. We simply stop the energy transfer, and boom, the Phantom Ruby is practically useless."
  18. Sonic Team (7 November 2017). Sonic Forces. Nintendo Switch. Sega. Area/Level: Death Egg: Prison Hall. "Vector: Looks like this place was used up until recently. / Espio: It appears that many of our brethren were held here. / Silver: That's one other thing Eggman will answer for."
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