- For other uses, see Espio the Chameleon (disambiguation).
Espio the Chameleon (エスピオ・ザ・カメレオン Esupio za Kamereon?) is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is an anthropomorphic chameleon, who mainly serves as an intelligent ninja warrior, spy, and a member of the Chaotix Detective Agency alongside Vector the Crocodile and Charmy Bee. Together, the trio solves whatever cases they are given, where Espio is able to put his skills to good use. He possesses as well the ability to blend in with his environment.
Espio is a calm and quiet chameleon, but also overly cautious and disciplined. However, his wariness and soulful character makes him a vital member of Team Chaotix, where his presence plays an important role as a restraint among his coworkers, who tend to be optimistic and energetic. Espio likewise thrives on the dangers of his missions, and although he is quite confident in his ninjutsu, he feels it is aesthetically pleasing to stay in the shadows as a ninja should.[3]
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Classic Espio, from Knuckles' Chaotix.
Modern Espio, from Sonic Art Assets DVD.
Espio in his "Race" outfit, from Sonic Rivals 2.
Espio in his "Ninja" outfit, from Sonic Rivals 2.
Espio in his "Mummy" outfit, from Sonic Rivals 2.
Espio in his "Knight" outfit, from Sonic Rivals 2.
Espio using his Invisibility, from Sonic Speed Simulator.
Espio in his "Ninja" outfit, from Sonic Speed Simulator.
Espio in his second "Mummy" outfit, from Sonic Speed Simulator.
Espio in his poet outfit, from The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Espio in his "Racesuit" outfit, from Sonic Speed Simulator.
Espio is a fuchsia-skinned anthropomorphic chameleon with a yellow horn between his gold eyes. His muzzle and the heart-shaped pattern on his torso are peach in color. He has a ridge of three black spikes going down his spine and a coiled tail. For attire, he wears purple shoes with black accents, metal-reinforced arm bracers, and white gloves with purple pads with white trims on the backs. Around his wrists and ankles are black bandage-wrapped cuffs with gold studs on the lower bands.
During his early years, up until Sonic Heroes, Espio was shorter and stubbier. His purple skin color was also somewhat darker, and he had black eyes. He wore simple white gloves and green shoes with black toes, yellow cuffs, and gray soles, each with two black belt straps held by silver buckles just above the ankles. In addition, his back spikes were teal/green in color.
In The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, Espio wears a white puffy long-sleeve shirt with a collar and flared cuffs and a purple vest with a yellow band around his waist and a red rose in the left chest pocket, while maintaining his usual gloves and shoes.
Personality[edit | edit source]

A single-minded,[4] straight-laced detective committed to his job,[8][9] Espio is serious, practical, intelligent and wise. He has a militaristic discipline despite being quiet, calm, and laid-back.[10] Espio is additionally portrayed as being stubborn, opinionated and self-obsessed.[11] Despite this, he has an excellent drive to all that he does and flourishes off of peril,[12] getting himself into threatening situations to flex and polish his ninja skills, and, due to his extensive training, he can confront these troubles head-on unconcerned by danger.[11]
Among his colleagues, Espio's opinionated attitude serves a key role in Team Chaotix, allowing him to reign in and balance out the more optimistic and zany behaviors exhibited by Vector and Charmy.[10]
Beneath Espio's reserved demeanor lies a burning and very strong sense of justice and an absolute refusal to let evil have its way.[8][4] As such, he gives the impression of a rather ruthless demeanor when facing villains; when encountering Eggman in Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog, the usual civil and soft-spoken chameleon would make threats at the doctor's life. Espio is also seen as a ninja-based character; his battle poses and shuriken stars support that portrayal. Also, in the Japanese script, the pronouns he uses to refer to himself are usually jibun, and the more archaic onushi pronoun for referring to others.
Like any ninja, Espio has a soulful side to himself too.[9][12] He is a lover of traditional ways and can play the shamisen but is left confused by computers and audio-video equipment.[9] He is also fluid in 17 different languages.

In the IDW Comics, Similar to how he acts in the games, Espio is a serious and disciplined ninja warrior, as well as a detective, with a distinct sense of wariness. He is likewise a wise, intelligent, and soulful character, and has an excellent drive to all that he does, always being very thorough with his work. While having a no-nonsense attitude, he also has a bit of an ego which makes him elaborate on stories about his work that go nowhere in order to make his listeners understand how hard he has been working. He is also reluctant to admit his shortcomings.[13]
Espio usually maintains a reserved and quiet demeanor. Beneath this surface, however, is a burning sense of justice and an absolute refusal to let evil have its way. This is best exemplified in how he believes that one should not be forgiven for the bad deeds they have already committed, even if the perpetrator does not remember anything and is unable to answer for them.[13]
Powers and abilities[edit | edit source]
Espio uses his speed and stealth to outwit his enemies.[9] He considers himself a formidable adversary, asserting that only a "mighty foe" could outmatch him.[14] In combat, Espio has proven himself capable of going toe-to-toe with skilled fighters like Rouge the Bat and Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic Rivals 2.

As a Speed Type character, Espio exhibits incredible speed. In Sonic Rivals 2, he demonstrates running speeds comparable to Sonic and Shadow. His agility allows him to deceive opponents,[12] appearing in different locations almost instantaneously.[15] Although not superhumanly strong, Espio possesses enough physical power to shatter objects and destroy Badniks with hand chops.[16]
Espio is highly durable and enduring, capable of withstanding Sonic's Homing Attacks during their duel in Sonic Generations. He also displays exceptional acrobatic prowess, performing complex midair jumps,[17] wall-jumping, and grinding on Grind Rails with ease.

Espio’s most distinctive ability is his stealth camouflage,[9] allowing him to blend seamlessly with his environment.[11] This technique renders him invisible, enabling him to bypass photocells and evade detection.[11] This skill, combined with his sharp mind, makes Espio an exceptionally sneaky and effective spy.[9]
Trained extensively in ninjutsu,[11] Espio wields a range of ninja weaponry and techniques. He is especially adept at throwing kunai with pinpoint accuracy,[8] even when barely glancing at his targets.[18] Additionally, he expertly throws shuriken stars as projectiles for offensive purposes.[6]
Espio's heightened awareness enables him to detect the presence of others, even outside his field of vision, such as Team Dark's proximity,[19] Sonic aboard the Death Egg,[20] or even the soul of the Time Eater.[21]
Espio’s abilities extend beyond combat; he can climb and adhere to any surface, walk on walls and ceilings,[15][22] and even use his prehensile tongue for short-range attacks and grappling.

Espio is proficient in the Spin Attack, which allows him to curl into a concussive ball or cutting disk to shred through most materials. Variants like the Spin Dash, Spin Jump, and Homing Attack expand his combat versatility.
Espio's investigative skills and intellect make him adept at solving mysteries and gathering intel, though he does not match Vector's detective expertise. He can also harness the Chaos Emeralds' power to enhance himself via Hyper Mode.[23]
In the IDW Comics, Espio retains many of these abilities. His stealth and camouflage make him nearly undetectable, while his speed rivals Sonic's.[13] His mastery of kunai and shuriken is further emphasized, alongside his skill in scaling walls and ceilings.
Weapons[edit | edit source]

Espio employs ninja-based weaponry, including kunai and shuriken stars.[13][24] With a rope attached, his kunai can double as a grappling hook or makeshift barbed wire.[13][25] He also carries smoke bombs to obscure enemies' vision and enable quick escapes.[26][27]
Transformations[edit | edit source]
Hyper Mode[edit | edit source]
By drawing power from the Chaos Emeralds, Espio can briefly activate Hyper Mode, significantly boosting his speed and attack power.
Color Powers[edit | edit source]
Espio can use Hyper-go-on energy from Wisps to transform into forms like Cyan Laser, Yellow Drill, and Indigo Asteroid, each with unique abilities. However, these transformations require a consistent energy supply.
Weaknesses[edit | edit source]
Espio's camouflaging ability, while practical, is not perfect. Its maintenance is tied to Espio's concentration, meaning it will falter should he lose focus due to things such as being blinded by light, sneezing, coughing, or being covered in a visible substance.[3][9][15][6] His stealth is not flawless either as Rouge the Bat was able to detect his movements thanks to her heightened sense of hearing.[28] He is also not mechanically-minded.[6][29]
Though Espio is very proficient in his ninja skills and camouflage techniques, he can be detected if he is not careful. As demonstrated by Zazz, he can also be sniffed out, even while he is invisible,[30] and as later demonstrated by Clutch, one can still hear the noise he makes in the environment.[27]
Relationships[edit | edit source]
Vector the Crocodile[edit | edit source]
As a vital member of the Chaotix Detective Agency, Espio holds Vector the Crocodile in high regard as both a colleague and boss, as well as a close friend. Espio's ninja skills often prove useful in ongoing investigations, and Vector trusts him to handle cases independently. However, Espio is less concerned with payment than Vector, occasionally leading to conflicts between them. This was evident in Sonic Rivals 2, where Espio failed to collect crucial evidence for their client, and coupled with Vector's tendency to offer free services, it often results in the detectives being in debt. Espio frequently acts as the voice of reason within the team, advising Vector against certain jobs, such as following their mysterious client's instructions in Sonic Heroes. However, Espio's caution is often thwarted by Vector's willingness to take on any job that pays. Despite these occasional disagreements, Espio remains deeply loyal to his boss and consistently follows his orders.

As the calmest and most serious member of Team Chaotix, Espio sometimes goes unnoticed among his more outspoken teammates. In Sonic Colors, Vector wondered where Espio had gone, and neither he nor Charmy, Sonic, and Tails realized that Espio had been standing right next to them. Espio has also shown frustration with Vector's more childish behavior, such as in the opening cutscene of Sonic Generations, when Vector gobbled up three chili dogs at once at Sonic's birthday party, causing Espio to shake his head in embarrassment.
Despite sometimes acting as the voice of reason compared to Vector, Espio deeply respects him as the leader of Team Chaotix. Espio always follows Vector's lead on missions and trusts his serious plans. In turn, Vector relies on Espio as a trusted ally, knowing he can depend on him to complete any task. The two have grown to see each other not only as partners but as great friends. For example, when Vector chose to stay behind with the Zombots in Restoration HQ to ensure Espio's escape, he appointed Espio as the new lead detective of the Chaotix. Espio watched silently, his emotions evident as he struggled to hold back tears over his friend's sacrifice.[13][31][25][26][32] Eventually, with the combined efforts of Super Sonic and Super Silver, the Metal Virus was sent to the sun, curing Vector and Charmy, and allowing Espio to joyfully reunite with them.[33]
Charmy Bee[edit | edit source]
Espio finds Charmy Bee to be a trusted ally and good friend of his as a member of the Chaotix. Due to his more resolute and serious personality, he does not find Charmy's antics very amusing, though the young bee does not mind this at all. Due to Charmy's young age, Espio has found himself explain various intricate situations that Charmy does not yet understand due to his young age and trying to protect him more than quite a few times. He is very protective of Charmy and cares for him a lot as a friend. He also respects him well enough as a fellow detective.[13][25][26]
Knuckles the Echidna[edit | edit source]
When Espio first meets Knuckles the Echidna, he feels envious of him due to his own desire to see Angel Island.[34] Despite this initial feeling, the two become allies in Knuckles' Chaotix and continue to work together as allies for many years. They even team up as part of the Resistance during the War to Take Back the Planet.[35] Espio also assists Knuckles in retrieving a relic stolen by the Babylon Rogues, showing respect for the echidna, though at times, he does not fully admire Knuckles' sense of pride.
Shadow the Hedgehog[edit | edit source]

The relationship between Espio and Shadow the Hedgehog has evolved significantly since their first encounter. During their initial meeting, they clashed due to the belief that the other was an enemy. However, they eventually set aside their differences to work together in stopping Neo Metal Sonic and his plan to dominate the world.
In Shadow the Hedgehog, their relationship becomes more amicable. Espio expresses gratitude towards Shadow for opening the portal to Eggman's computer, and when Eggman claims to have created Shadow, Espio encourages him not to believe the doctor, offering his support in the battle against him. Overall, Espio has grown to trust Shadow more, and the two now appear as allies in most situations.
Silver the Hedgehog[edit | edit source]

When Espio first met Silver the Hedgehog, his mission was to find evidence that Silver was behind the kidnapping of several Chao. As such, Silver was a subject of doubt for Espio as he did not seem like a bad guy despite his actions. At first, Espio treated Silver like an enemy, but as he learned that Silver was working to save the world, he decided to follow his instincts and help him with his mission. During their adventure, the two of them built a good relationship as Espio proved his trustworthiness and helped Silver on many occasions. After finishing their mission, they gladly thanked each other, showing the great admiration and faith they had gained for one another.

Espio and Silver are distant allies and fighting partners. They were comrades when Knuckles led the Resistance during the Eggman War, though Silver hints that they know each other for a long time and may have worked together. Though they only meet when their timelines are in danger, Espio and Silver seem quite close to each other. Espio seems at ease around Silver to let his guard down and even open up to him. He is also cautious about Silver's well-being and recognizes when something bothers him. Their relationship reinforced when Espio sees Silver leave and followed him to know what troubled him. Silver denies by saying he is fine, but Espio responds that he is a bad liar. While Silver explains that he is angry, they open up to each other and discover common points, notably their fear of losing. Espio then explains to Silver how he does not give up to his fears by helping and protecting his friends, and encourages Silver to do the same. His words comforted Silver to keep fighting for his principles, but also for the ones he loves and does not want to lose. He then thanks Espio with a hug, to the latter's surprise.[36]
Sonic the Hedgehog[edit | edit source]
Espio trusts Sonic the Hedgehog as a close ally and has recognized his skills as a fighter. Sonic similarly trusts Espio and considers both him and the rest of Team Chaotix to be the best detectives he knows, although that is not saying much, as they are also the only detectives he knows.[13]
Sonic sees Espio as a trusted person to fight alongside with and has trusted him to help with several missions and cases. The two of them in particular can harmonize with each other on the battlefield. Overall, the pair get along quite well; even with Espio's serious demeanor, he has actually cracked a joke with Sonic before. However, Espio's patience has been tested with Sonic before; he disagreed with Sonic about how to deal with Eggman, believing that the doctor should be punished. However, his patience was put to the test when, due to Sonic's decision to leave a reformed Eggman be, led to Eggman returning to his old ways and releasing the Metal Virus scourge that ended up claiming Vector and Charmy. Nonetheless, Espio himself still knows that Sonic means well, despite his brashness.[13][25][37]
Zazz[edit | edit source]

Espio first met Zazz during the Metal Virus pandemic when he him in Riverside to retrieve the Chaos Emerald. Espio despite not fearing him was shocked that he was able to find him in his Ninja Arts: Camouflage state but Espio would end up winning but would later fight him during the Calendar Comedy. Although Espio does not see him as a threat or a strong opponent as during their first fight Espio kept his composure and did not panic speak.
Friends/allies[edit | edit source]
- Amy Rose
- Avatar
- Barry the Quokka
- Big the Cat
- Blaze the Cat
- Bomb
- Cheese
- Chocola
- Conductor
- Conductor's wife
- Cream the Rabbit
- E-123 Omega
- Elder Scruffy
- Froggy
- Gemerl
- Guardian Units of Nations
- Heavy the Robot
- Honey the Cat
- K-TBR 199.2 (good friends)
- Knuckles the Echidna (close friend)
- Mighty the Armadillo
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Motobud
- Restoration
- Rouge the Bat
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Silver the Hedgehog (good friend)
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Sticks the Badger
- Tangle the Lemur
- Team Chaotix
- Charmy Bee (coworker and close friend)
- Vector the Crocodile (coworker and close friend)
- Vanilla the Rabbit
- Whisper the Wolf
Neutral[edit | edit source]
Enemies[edit | edit source]
- Black Arms
- Clutch the Opossum
- Clean Sweepstakes Security
- Deadly Six
- Dr. Starline
- Eggman Empire
- Eggman Nega
- Fang's Gang
- Ifrit
- Metal Sonic 3.0
- Metal Virus
- Rough the Skunk
- Time Eater
- Tumble the Skunk
- Zombots
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Szczepaniak, John (21 February 2018). The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers: Volume 3. SMG Szczepaniak. p. 303. ISBN 978-0992926083. "Naoto Ohshima: And this one in the middle here, with the horns, was designed by a manga artist named [Takumi] Miyake. He went on to be the art director for NiGHTS."
- ↑ ●SonicJPNews● on Twitter (12 November 2019). Archived from the original on 12 November 2019. Retrieved on 12 November 2019.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Sonic Channel (Japanese). Characters: Espio. Sega. Archived from the original on 26 May 2019. Retrieved on 3 July 2015.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Chaotix (32X) Japanese instruction booklet, pg. 6.
- ↑ Sega (24 June 2016). Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Wii U. Nintendo. "Mii: Do you know what Espio's favorite food is? It's dango, or sweet dumplings! It figures a ninja would go for a Japanese dessert!"
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Devra Newberger Speregen (2016). Sonic: The Ultimate Character Guide. Scholastic. p. 45. ISBN 978-1338033243.
- ↑ Espio at the beginning of the Egg Emperor boss fight, Sonic Heroes.
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Sega (23 June 2016). Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Wii U. Nintendo. Area/Level: Collectibles (Flags). "This straight-laced detective is the voice of reason in the Chaotix Detective Agency, but his reserved demeanor hides a burning sense of justice and a refusal to let evil have its way. Trained as a ninja, this chameleon is a master at throwing kunai, and can vanish using his Leaf Swirl technique."
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Sonic City. Sega. Archived from the original on 29 February 2008.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Official Sonic Heroes website (Japanese). Characters: Team Chaotix. Sega. Archived from the original on 11 December 2004. Retrieved on 25 May 2021.
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Sonic Heroes (Nintendo GameCube) United States instruction booklet, pg. 12.
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Sonic Team (4 November 2011). Sonic Generations. PlayStation 3. Sega. Area/Level: Collection Room. "Espio the Chameleon - Espio is a chameleon who is a master of ninjutsu. A skilled ninja who thrives on danger, he uses stealth and speed to fool his enemies. His wariness and soulful character make him a vital member of the Chaotix Detective Agency."
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 Sonic the Hedgehog #5, "The Fate of Dr. Eggman, Part 1"
- ↑ Sonic Team (11 November 2011). Sonic Generations. PC. Sega. Area/level: White Space. "Espio: It takes a mighty foe to trap a ninja. Be on your guard, Sonic."
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 Sonic Team (11 November 2011). Sonic Generations. PC. Sega. Area/level: Espio: Master of Camouflage.
- ↑ Sega Studio USA (15 November 2005). Shadow the Hedgehog. Nintendo GameCube. Sega.
- ↑ Sonic Team (4 November 2011). Sonic Generations. PlayStation 3. Sega.
- ↑ Sonic Team (6 February 2004). Sonic Heroes. PlayStation 2. Sega. Cutscene: Opening sequence (Team Chaotix's story).
- ↑ Sonic Team (6 February 2004). Sonic Heroes. PlayStation 2. Sega. Cutscene: Team Dark (Team Chaotix's storyline).
- ↑ Sonic Team (7 November 2017). Sonic Forces. Nintendo Switch. Sega. Area/level: Prison Hall. "Espio: I sense Sonic's presence. He's close!"
- ↑ Sonic Team (4 November 2011). Sonic Generations. PlayStation 3. Sega. Area/level: White Space. "Espio: Thank you, my friend. Beware, for I have looked into the soul of our enemy and I saw only darkness."
- ↑ Sonic Heroes (Nintendo GameCube) United States instruction booklet, pg. 18.
- ↑ Sega AM2 (10 July 1996). Sonic the Fighters. Arcade. Sega. Area/Level: Death Egg's Hangar.
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #10, "The Battle for Angel Island, Part 2."
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Sonic the Hedgehog #17, "Plague"
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2020, "Flock Together"
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #48, "Hit the Pavement"
- ↑ Backbone Entertainment (7 December 2007). Sonic Rivals 2. PlayStation Portable. Sega. Area/level: Mystic Haunt Zone. "Rouge: Okay, who's there? I know you're following me. / Espio: Hey, how'd you know I was there... / Rouge: Espio, these ears of mine aren't just for show, you know. What are you doing here, anyway?"
- ↑ Sonic Team (18 November 2005). Shadow the Hedgehog. PlayStation 2. Sega. Area/level: Mad Matrix. "Espio: Hey, back off! Data retrieval isn't exactly my specialty"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #26, "All or Nothing, Part 1"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #6, "The Fate of Dr. Eggman, Part 2"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #22, "The Last Minute, Part 2"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #29, "All or Nothing, Part 4"
- ↑ Knuckles' Chaotix/Manuals
- ↑ Sonic Forces
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2022, "Future Growth"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #24, "The Last One Out"
de:Espio the Chameleon es:Espio the Chameleon fr:Espio the Chameleon lt:Espijus nl:Espio the Chameleon pl:Espio the Chameleon pt:Espio the Chameleon pt-br:Espio the Chameleon ru:Хамелеон Эспио uk:Хамелеон Еспіо zh:艾斯皮欧