Begun on July 22, 2023, the Sonic the Hedgehog Wiki has grown to 193 articles and provides extensive coverage of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. This includes detailed information on the numerous game titles released by SEGA, as well as insights into the Sonic movies, TV shows, and comics.
The wiki's content spans character profiles, locations, item descriptions, and game synopses. Its goal is to become the largest and most comprehensive Sonic the Hedgehog encyclopedia on the internet.
The Sonic the Hedgehog Wiki is proudly a part of Sonic City.
Purpose and Philosophy
The Sonic the Hedgehog Wiki's main purpose is to establish an independent, community-driven resource that distances itself from Fandom for several compelling reasons:
- Invasive Ads: Fandom is notorious for excessive advertising, including pop-ups and banner ads that disrupt the user experience. These ads slow down page loading times and create a frustrating environment for visitors.
- Content Overload: Fandom's layouts often include cluttered designs, irrelevant content, and an overwhelming number of ads, making it difficult for users to locate the information they need.
- Poor Community Moderation: Fandom's moderation policies are inconsistent, sometimes allowing abusive users, spam, and low-quality content to persist due to ineffective oversight.
- Limited Customization: The rigid, standardized templates on Fandom limit the ability for communities to customize their wikis, stifling creativity and individuality.
- Ownership and Data Privacy Concerns: Since Fandom's acquisition by a larger corporation, there are ongoing concerns about ownership of user-generated content and the handling of personal data, particularly with third-party integrations.
- Profit-Driven Focus: Fandom's monetization efforts, such as increased advertising and subscription models, often prioritize profit over user experience, leading to criticism of exploitative practices.
- Restricted Editing and Content Control: Overzealous administrative control on some Fandom wikis creates a less inclusive environment, restricting who can contribute or edit content.
- Clunky User Interface: Fandom's outdated design and poor navigation, combined with an ineffective search function, result in a subpar browsing experience, especially for new users.
- Inconsistent Content Ownership: Fandom's Terms of Service assert ownership over content created on their platform, raising concerns about the exploitation of user contributions and unclear ownership rights.
- Forced Account Creation: Fandom often requires users to create an account to contribute or interact, discouraging those who prefer anonymity or wish to avoid the hassle of registration.
By moving away from Fandom, the Sonic the Hedgehog Wiki strives to provide a cleaner, faster, more customizable, and community-focused alternative that respects contributors and prioritizes user experience over profit.