Famitsu Translation: Preview of Sonic Frontiers after 6 hours of playing. The game cycle and the exhilaration of the new Sonic. A masterpiece that erases the bitterness of open world gaming!

The Sonic Frontiers media tour was hosted by Sega of America starting October 17, 2022. Gaming media from around the world were invited to play the game and interview the…

Continue ReadingFamitsu Translation: Preview of Sonic Frontiers after 6 hours of playing. The game cycle and the exhilaration of the new Sonic. A masterpiece that erases the bitterness of open world gaming!

Brasil Game Show’s Sonic Symphony Includes Orchestral Rendition of Sonic Frontiers Music and New Gameplay!

This year's Brasil Game Show marked the first in a long streak of Sonic Symphony concerts planned for a worldwide tour. While iconic tunes like the Endless Possibility and City…

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Sonic Channel Post Translation: Sonic Frontiers Original Soundtrack Stillness & Motion

Sonic Frontiers, scheduled for release on November 8, 2022 (Tuesday), will have an original soundtrack CD titled "Sonic Frontiers Original Soundtrack Stillness & Motion" containing 150 tracks of BGM from…

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Morio Kishimoto: “In Sonic Frontiers, there will be bosses that blue Sonic can’t even scratch”

Following up on the Sonic Frontiers interview with IGN Japan during TGS 2022, Morio Kishimoto dropped a pretty interesting tidbit about the game's titanic bosses, stating that normal Sonic won't…

Continue ReadingMorio Kishimoto: “In Sonic Frontiers, there will be bosses that blue Sonic can’t even scratch”