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Welcome to the Sonic City Forums! [Beta]


Welcome to the Sonic City Forums!

The ultimate Sonic the Hedgehog community—or at least, we hope it will be someday!

Are you tired of the toxic environment on social media? The forums are here for you! No dogpiling or attacking others for their opinions. We’re not here for the adrenaline rush of likes or impressions. Instead, we aim to create a laid-back, open, and accepting community that values civil discussion and constructive criticism.

Things might start off slower than molasses, but as the community grows, the pace will pick up! We encourage you to invite your friends to join and participate. We hope this will be a space where you can connect with like-minded Sonic fans and form new friendships.

The forums are currently in their Beta stage, so we’re actively working on features and fixing minor bugs. Got a suggestion or bug to report? Use the “Bug Report” tag when starting a new discussion. Have an idea for a feature that could improve the community? Share it with us using the “Suggestions” tag!

If you’re new to the forums, feel free to introduce yourself here!

We hope you enjoy your time here!

See you around!