Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, the mobile racing game featuring characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog series originally released on September 11, 2017, in which players race against others in real-time multiplayer battles using power-ups and abilities to gain an advantage and reach the finish line first, has reached 200 million total downloads!

The milestone was announced by the official SEGA social media accounts, which posted the picture above. The game’s development studio, SEGA HARDlight, which also worked on other mobile games such as Sonic Dash and the recently released Apple Arcade exclusive Sonic Dream Team, also celebrated this achievement with some cupcakes!

If you still haven’t played Sonic Forces Mobile, you can still get in on the action as the game is free and available on both Android and iOS, with new in-game events happening every week!

Stay tuned to Sonic City for more Sonic Forces: Speed Battle news and updates!

Source: SEGA, SEGA HARDLight

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