Netflix has announced the “DROP 01” event, a virtual showcase celebrating the best of Netflix’s genre animation series. The showcase will be 90 minutes long and will feature an early screening of the first 3 episodes of Castlevania: Nocturne and will also have surprise announcements and sneak peeks at upcoming shows, including the third season of Sonic Prime.

Check out the announcement trailer below!

Digital Premiere of Castlevania: Nocturne + Epic Animation Drops (feat. Scott Pilgrim, Sonic Prime & much more!). September 27th, 9AM PT.

The event will be broadcast on the official Netflix YouTube and Twitch accounts, as well as the Netflix Tudum website, on September 27th at 9 AM PT.

We’ll keep you updated as it happens, so be sure to subscribe to Sonic City for all the latest updates regarding Sonic Prime and everything else Sonic!

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