Get ready, Freedom Fighters! The beloved DiC animated series Sonic the Hedgehog, also known as Sonic SatAM, is making its long-awaited return on DVD with a new box set from NCircle. Excitement is in the air as the DVD is now available for pre-order on Amazon, set to be released on September 19, 2023, for a price of $19.99.

This special box set includes two DVDs featuring the complete series of Sonic SatAM, showcasing the thrilling adventures of Sonic and his friends. While the listing and box art don’t mention any extras from the previous Shout! Factory box set, fans can still look forward to reliving the iconic moments and captivating storytelling that made Sonic SatAM a fan-favorite.

Take a look at the box art below:

Sonic SatAM has been one of the last Sonic cartoons to be out of print, but thanks to NCircle’s dedication to preserving the Sonic legacy, fans can finally complete their collection. Previous series such as Sonic X, Sonic Underground, Sonic Boom, and Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog have all received complete series releases in recent years, with NCircle leading the way.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to pre-order this DVD box set and relive the adventures of Sonic and his friends by clicking here.

Stay tuned to Sonic City for more Sonic SatAM News and Updates!

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