Christian Whitehead, the renowned developer behind Sonic Mania and the Sonic 1, 2, CD mobile ports, has recently taken to Twitter to share exciting news for fans of the hedgehog’s 2D adventures. In his tweet, Whitehead confirms that the physics from Sonic Mania have been “fully translated to modern 3D” in the upcoming game Sonic Superstars. He also hints at sharing more details in the future when the time is right.

The announcement comes as a relief to hardcore and classic Sonic fans who have been eagerly discussing the importance of accurate physics in the community. With Whitehead’s confirmation, players can now rest assured that Sonic Superstars will strive to capture the essence of the original classic trilogy (including Sonic CD) in terms of gameplay physics.

While the news of translated physics is undoubtedly exciting, fans are also eagerly anticipating information about the game’s music and level design. As more details emerge, we will be sure to provide timely updates. Be sure to stay tuned to Sonic City for the latest Sonic Superstars News and Updates!

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