When Sonic Superstars was announced, SEGA wasted no time in revealing that the game would introduce a new character designed by Sonic co-creator Naoto Ohshima. We were given our first glimpse of this character before, and today we can unveil their name: Trip. The name seems to be inspired by the character’s tendency to trip frequently, as depicted in the game’s opening animation and the available cutscene.

This exciting revelation comes directly from an interview with Iizuka-san by IGN, which you can check out bellow:

Takashi Iizuka and Austin Keys from the Sega of America team sit down with IGN to tell us all about Sonic Superstars and how it’s inspired by classic 2D Sonic games like Mania and Generations.

While there is still much we have yet to learn about Trip, including their species (though their tail bears resemblance to that of a raccoon or a Zigzagoon), we encourage you to stay tuned to Sonic City for further updates on Trip and Sonic Superstars!

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