Renowned game creator and former senior manager of Square Enix, Yuji Naka, is facing a potential prison sentence and fine following his involvement in an insider trading case related to new installments of popular game series, including “Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.

During the trial held at the Tokyo District Court, the prosecution highlighted that the defendant had allegedly misused their authority to access confidential information, demonstrating a strong intention to commit the crime. The prosecution emphasized the complete absence of remorse in their actions. They have requested a sentence of 2 years and 6 months in prison, along with a fine of 2.5 million yen (18 thousand dollars), and restitution of approximately 170 million yen (1.2 million dollars).

The defense argued that the defendant had mistakenly received unrelated information during the course of their duties. They requested a reduced restitution amount and a suspended sentence with probation.

In a statement, Mr. Naka expressed deep regret and reflection upon the damage caused to the fairness, integrity, and trustworthiness of the market, offering a sincere apology. The verdict is scheduled to be delivered on the 7th of next month.

Source: Abema Times

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