Lego has unveiled the long rumored fifth Lego set. The “Sonic vs. Dr. Eggman’s Death Egg Robot” set has been revealed on the Lego Group’s official website, showcasing the Death Egg Robot, piloted by Dr. Eggman himself, along with one of his loyal sidebots, Cubot.

Joining the set is none other than Sonic, equipped with the speed sphere mechanism found in the other Sonic the Hedgehog Lego sets. With a slammer to launch Sonic at incredible speeds, help him rescue his captured animal friends while avoiding dangerous spikes.

According to the official description, players must strategically hit Dr. Eggman to disable his mech and gather valuable intel for their next mission. The Death Egg Robot features a rotating six-stud shooter. Additionally, the set includes a selection of Sonic’s adorable animal pals for Dr. Eggman to capture and Sonic to heroically rescue.

While the pricing, availability, and piece count for the set have yet to be confirmed, we can anticipate further details on soon.

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Source: Lego Playzone

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