Tenacious D, the American comedy rock duo consisting of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, has just released their latest single “Video Games” accompanied by a captivating music video that pays homage to iconic games, including Sonic the Hedgehog!
In this video, Jack Black dons a Sonic costume while Kyle Gass rocks a Tails outfit, reminiscent of Sonic Jam. The animated segments were skillfully created by ECHO48, a talented member of the animation team that collaborated with Oneyplays. The video was directed by the dynamic duo Adam Paloian and Chris “Oney” O’Neill.
Witness the epic adventure featuring Sonic and other gaming classics like Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War, and Fallout 4 by watching the video below.
As an extra treat, the Spotify version of the song includes a delightful video loop of Kyle (as Tails) carrying Jack (as Sonic), paying homage to Sonic 3.
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